Saturday, 7 May 2011

Willie Rennie

Willie Rennie is taking over from Tavish - who is he, what's he like, do we have to find out the hard way? We'll hold our breath!!!

Tavish Scott

It has come about that Tavish Scott has chosen not to take his seat. What will happen now I do not know but when I do I promise to let you know, ok. It could possibly mean big changes, fingers crossed, eh!!!

Friday, 6 May 2011


Regardless of the outcome of this election, whether you see it as right or wrong, good, bad or indifferent, let's get on with life and make sure that next time around the right man gets voted in.


Just noticed that Tavish Scott has held his seat. Unfortunately it means that little will happen in the next few years regarding life but plenty effort will be made breaking wind.

I really hope that Billy Fox stands again next time - this was just a step on the learning curve Billy!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Vote Billy Fox

Hi everyone

I hope that you are all going to take the time to go down to the voting station and put your political heart on paper - and I also hope that you're going to vote for Billy Fox. He's an independent, he doesn't have to follow the party beliefs or stand up and say what he's told to. He is a man on his own and entitled to his own opinion. That can be a good thing and in Billy's case, in my mind, it is. He can stand up and fight for what he believes.

Vote your mind and make sure he wins!!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Billy Fox's thought's regarding voting

What do the people here in Shetland think of the system used at the moment regarding voting? See what Billy Fox has to say at What Billy Fox thinks?

Personally, I agree with the way he is leaning. Pity that old Tavish Scott has stuck his nose in.