They have been at me again and in doing so they have illegally threatened me. And they do so, illegally, on behalf of their employer, the BBC, who, as I understand it, are as good as part of the government. I'll show you what they have spewed out this time.
It is illegal to harass people but these people do it, again and again and again, to people like you and me who are perhaps not interested in watching the telly. Who perhaps have better to do with themselves than to sit and stare at Coronation Street or enjoy watching the rugby or the football, perhaps even need to know just which cuddy has run off with this weeks wages.
There are, of course, great amounts that are shown on the telly that you don't need a license for, anything that has been shown before which means that the only things you need a license for are the horses and the news, oh, and sometimes the football. Not the adverts because we've all seen them before.
I mentioned before that I don't need a license. I don't need one because I do not watch the telly - at all. If I don't need one then I will not have one - after all, why should I - but that does not stop the Scotland North Harassment Division of T.V Licensing, nee Capita, 71 Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1H 0XA. That's who Sarah Armstrong works for, she signs the letters. Regional Enforcement Manager is a big name for signing and posting the letters. Wonder if she licks the stamps too?
If you get caught, it wasn't me that suggested pissing in their letter-box, ok ;))
And don't forget, the BBC are Capita's employer. Capita, or T.V Licensing as they like to be called are just a plain and simple, common old company.

There are, of course, great amounts that are shown on the telly that you don't need a license for, anything that has been shown before which means that the only things you need a license for are the horses and the news, oh, and sometimes the football. Not the adverts because we've all seen them before.
I mentioned before that I don't need a license. I don't need one because I do not watch the telly - at all. If I don't need one then I will not have one - after all, why should I - but that does not stop the Scotland North Harassment Division of T.V Licensing, nee Capita, 71 Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1H 0XA. That's who Sarah Armstrong works for, she signs the letters. Regional Enforcement Manager is a big name for signing and posting the letters. Wonder if she licks the stamps too?
If you get caught, it wasn't me that suggested pissing in their letter-box, ok ;))
And don't forget, the BBC are Capita's employer. Capita, or T.V Licensing as they like to be called are just a plain and simple, common old company.