Saturday, 21 January 2012

Another threatening letter

Capita, nee T.V Licencing have sent me yet another threatening letter. Discourteous at the very least, considering that, as I said a couple of months ago, I don't watch the telly and have no plans to either. Not in this lifetime anyway.

I have also provided that information to them, see T.V licence or no T.V licence but it doesn't stop them, they just carry on spewing out offensive garbage, on behalf of the BBC.

Time to forward it on to Zarin Patel, Chief Financial Officer of the BBC and let her deal with it. After all, I do believe that she had something to do with taking them on in the first place.

I wonder what chance there is of her doing anything useful about it. I'll keep you posted

Friday, 20 January 2012

The power cut that we suffered over Christmas

Here in Hillswick, in Northmavine at the north end of Mainland, Shetland, UK, the electricity went off at 14.45 on Christmas Day and came back on the next day, Boxing Day at 16.50. That is twenty-six hours and five minutes with no electricity.

I wonder how many Christmas dinners were destroyed here but more to the point, I wonder how many people complained about the power cut and therefore got the same cheque for £54.00, through the door today as I did.

I bet that I'm the only man that did it. I bet that I'm the only man that knows that if everyone complains the service will be improved and the power cuts will stop happening.

But I'll also bet that they haven't stopped talking about it yet. It's amazing how long you can spend talking about the results of doing bugger all.

Monday, 16 January 2012

SNP RSS feed

Just to let all the folk who want the best for the Scottish nation know that there is now an RSS feed for the SNP on the left-hand side, just under the weather forecast. Feel free to use it anytime, for as long as you like, after all, that's what it's there for!!!