I’ve just been reading an article on the BBC showing concern
about the
Olympics and prostitution, namely, will London 2012 up the number of
prostitutes that are active in London at the time. I immediately thought to
myself “What about here in Shetland, they could well sneak into the country on
fishing boats. They may well swim ashore outside my house and knock on my door,
asking if they could wash their clothes and you know how they would look to pay
for the favour!!!”
Obviously, I’ll have to take care. Possibly keep the
curtains closed so that they think that I’m in bed, asleep. Then again, they
might think that I’m in bed, working. Awe Jings, I can’t have them thinking
that, now can I?!?
Then, of course, I could pretend to be the gardener but they
might land in the middle of the night. I’d have to tell them that I was after
the overtime but then they’ed think that I could afford them, so that’s not a
good idea, either.

Perhaps I should paint the window glass but then, oh
goodness, then they’ll just break in and it’ll be me that has to phone the
council and try to explain why my “female friends” have broken the glass.
have to think of a reason to give them about why I painted the glass because
them being what they are will think that it was so that I could do as I liked
without them or the neighbours being able to take snap-shots in the windows.
No, they’d think that I’d take the photo’s myself and charge a good price for
Oh no, this is getting worse. I think that I’ll have a
strong cup of tea. That's maybe their mother and their aunt in the photo.