Having just put the my blog up, the postman popped by with my mail - and look and see what it is!!!
The dreaded black threat. I've already had the red one but it isn't relevant to me as I don't watch the telly, certainly not the stuff that you need a license for, which they give out absolutely no information about as far as I can see. Doesn't matter, I do not watch the telly so why should I have to put up with this garbage
Thank goodness that I'm taking up the knitting because I'll be waiting long enough for them to turn up. I suppose that I should ask Sarah, who sent the offensive and threatening letter, what size she is, I could do a nice jumper for her in a really threatening and offensive colour scheme.
Just her style :))
The dreaded black threat. I've already had the red one but it isn't relevant to me as I don't watch the telly, certainly not the stuff that you need a license for, which they give out absolutely no information about as far as I can see. Doesn't matter, I do not watch the telly so why should I have to put up with this garbage
Thank goodness that I'm taking up the knitting because I'll be waiting long enough for them to turn up. I suppose that I should ask Sarah, who sent the offensive and threatening letter, what size she is, I could do a nice jumper for her in a really threatening and offensive colour scheme.
Just her style :))