Today I've been wandering along the shore and it's mad, completely mad.
I'm only too happy to feed the little buggeres that fly overhead when they come along and a wee snapshot here and there is lovely but who is the worker and just who is the daft bugger that feeds them all, free of charge. I think that there's a problem here.
They are all particularly parasitical. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely to see them but if they vanished we would miss them terribly.
The question has to be - who is the feeder and who is the scrounging, parasitical eater - with a smile on his face, of course
I'm only too happy to feed the little buggeres that fly overhead when they come along and a wee snapshot here and there is lovely but who is the worker and just who is the daft bugger that feeds them all, free of charge. I think that there's a problem here.
They are all particularly parasitical. Don't get me wrong, it's lovely to see them but if they vanished we would miss them terribly.
The question has to be - who is the feeder and who is the scrounging, parasitical eater - with a smile on his face, of course